animals · Birds · Random

Been a busy year . . .

While I’ve actually been taking a lot of photos in the past year, they haven’t been arty flower or still life photos – it’s been all news, all the time, although I think I’ve made some news photos look pretty arty!

Today, the day after the first anniversary of my news site, The Broken Typewriter – which you can find on WordPress here or over on Substack here I thought I’d better pop over and update everyone.

The nuggets are almost a year old, and pooping out 20 plus eggs a day. And it turns out that Karen was not a Karen at all, but a Karl. Yep, he’s a rooster. He’s coming a little more into his own every day as protector and leader of the flock, and has even finally figured out how to get past all the ladies and actually get his share of the chicken snacks, when it’s treat time!

This is Barb – one of the three remaining Rhode Island Reds. She’s very chatty and friendly.

Just for fun, back in January, when we actually had a decent snowfall, a hungry young moose decided to hop the corral panels and feast upon my black currant bushes. It really didn’t want to leave. In fact, when we got her out of there, she just walked around the back of the garden to feast some more!

Noise is no deterrent when there’s yummy black currant bushes to be consumed!

As always, thanks for reading! I’ve got my eye on some bunches of tulips, plus I planted a whole pile of new bulbs in the fall, so hopefully there will be some floral beauty coming this way soon!! I got some new vases too, so I have BIG plans.


A wee Finch stood still!

Why is it that I can only get pictures of little tiny birds when they concuss themselves on our windows? Bigger birds like ducks are easy to capture, but these tiny wee things . . . Finches, Chickadees, Sparrows, never mind Hummingbirds . . . are apparently beyond me. But so adorable. So anyhow, this little guy head-butted our living room twice in the space of three seconds. Hubby picked him up and put him on the porch post to recover before he flew back to the trees. Of course, while he was recovering, I couldn’t resist grabbing my camera.

animals · Birds

Things new, and renewed . . .

It’s been busy around here . . . youngest kid learning to drive and almost done high school . . . watching the snow melt . . . getting some new photo props on a recent trip to Edmonton (the flowers are going to be SO epic when I’m done), as well as getting my hands on some multi-purpose photo subjects. These are subjects who don’t stand still for long, but they are so cute and eventually they will poop breakfast! Yes, we got chickens. And if anyone ever asks you, you can tell them that Chicken Math is really a thing.

Chicken Math is a thing because orginally we wanted 6, but then it became 12, in case some died. But when we went to order them, we learned we had to get 25 so they can keep each other warm in transit. So we ended up with 26 because they send an extra, just in case. But that’s okay, we’re giving some to our daughter. But now, almost 3 weeks later, they’re all still alive . . . and I want to keep them all because they so cute!!

So that’s the new. The renewed, is a return to news. For those of you who don’t know, I used to be a Reporter, Editor and Freelance Writer, covering news, agriculture and industry in the BC North Peace. I’ve missed the news, so I’m going back. As an Independent. So if you’d like to check out the News Blog (as I’m calling it), here’s a link:

As always, thanks for visiting, and stay tuned for more chicken pictures!!

Abstract · Art · black & white · flowers · FOTD · Macro · monochrome · Monochrome Monday · still life · Textures

FOTD ~ Dahlia in the Dark

Another look back at some of my flower shoots from 2021 . . . amazing how a year can change how I want to edit some photos. I really like how these are turning out though, so I think I’m gonna keep at it. And maybe throw in a new bouquet . . . I saw some nice ones at the grocery store the other day, but didn’t have time to peruse them!

And this is my entry for Cee’s Flower of the Day (FOTD). Thanks for visiting!

Art · black & white · flowers · Macro · monochrome · still life

Flowers from yesteryear . . .

Or rather, from last year. Haven’t had any new bouquets lately and I didn’t feel like taking pictures of the Christmas decorations, when they were still up . . . so flowers from March 2021 it is! I have a few ideas for some still life . . . unfortunately my best idea involves my daughters’ classical ballet costume, which is likely in serious need of steaming before being photographed . . . classical tutus wrinkle very easily in storage, and the last time I steamed this sucker, it took me half an hour.

I also have some flowers left over from summer . . . they are now very, very dry & dead, which could make for an interesting addition to a still life. Or on their own. Just have to get on and do it. Before spring arrives in 35 days and I distract myself with garden planning!! Who am I kidding, I’ve already started planning!

Thanks for stopping by!